Thursday 4 June 2015

The power-porridge behind Malawi's healthy babies

 Malawi has some of the most chubby and lovely babies I have ever seen. In both rural and urban Malawi chubby babies are a pleasantly and common site.

No doubt we do have food challenges in parts of Malawi but the site of a chubby Malawian baby is hard to miss walking through Lilongwe or indeed other parts of this country.

So what are we feeding our chubby- babies?

I give my baby  a porridge made from a mixture of  legumes: soya and groundnuts and maize.

My baby started eating the highly nutritious porridge at 7 months

Roasted Soya and groundnuts mixed with healthy maize grains
The  nutritious porridge flour from the grains is easy to make and uses readily available local ingredients. 

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